using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Threading;

namespace SeleniumTests
    public class Careers
        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Utilities
        public static bool UtilitiesIndustryLink()
            IWebElement utilitiesLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Utilities')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(utilitiesLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }


        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Legal
        public static bool LegalIndustyLink()
            IWebElement legalLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Legal')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(legalLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Healthcare
        public static bool HealthcareIndustryLink()
            IWebElement healthcareLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Healthcare')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(healthcareLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Financial
        public static bool FinancialIndustryLink()
            IWebElement financialLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Financial Services')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(financialLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Logistic
        public static bool LogisticIndustryLink()
            IWebElement logisticsLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Logistics')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(logisticsLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Chicago
        public static bool ChicagoLink()
            IWebElement chicagolandLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Chicagoland')]");

            if (Utilities.ElementExists(chicagolandLink))


                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for East coast
        public static bool EastCoastLink()
            IWebElement eastCoastLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'East Coast')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(eastCoastLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Ireland
        public static bool BelfastLink()
            IWebElement irelandLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Northern Ireland')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(irelandLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Argentina
        public static bool ArgentinaLink()
            IWebElement argentinaLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'Argentina')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(argentinaLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Quality & Testing
        public static bool QualityTestingLink()
            IWebElement testingQualityLink = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(),'software testing and quality assurance')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(testingQualityLink))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Explore Opportunities under why work on Olenick? section
        public static bool WhySecionExploreOpp()
            IWebElement exploreOppButton = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "(//a[@href=''])[1]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(exploreOppButton))
                Console.WriteLine("explore opp button exists");
                return true;
                return false;

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Explore Opportunities under Join the Olenick Team secion
        public static bool JoinSecionExploreOpp()
            IWebElement exploreOppButton = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "(//a[@href=''])[2]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(exploreOppButton))
                return true;
            else return false;

        public static bool OpenAdvisorForm()
            IWebElement consultTAAdvisor = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[@class='fl-button fl-button-lightbox']");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(consultTAAdvisor))
                return true;
            else { return false; }

        public static bool SendAdvisorForm()
            IWebElement nameTextbox = Utilities.FindIwebElement(id: "fl-name");
            Utilities.Type(nameTextbox, "Tester");

            IWebElement emailTextbox = Utilities.FindIwebElement(id: "fl-email");
            Utilities.Type(emailTextbox, "test@email");

            IWebElement messageTextbox = Utilities.FindIwebElement(id: "fl-message");
            Utilities.Type(messageTextbox, "This is a test");

            IWebElement sendButton = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//form[@class='fl-contact-form']//a[@class='fl-button']");

            IWebElement errormessage = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//span[contains(text(),'Please enter a valid email.')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(errormessage))
                return false;
                //Console.WriteLine("Error message for email");
            else { return true; }

        //This function will get the xpath for How Does it Work accordion
        //it comfirms it is not open else return false.
        //then it click the accordion the return whether the accordion opened
        public static string OpenWorkAccordion()
            IWebElement accordion = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(), 'How Does It Work?')]");
            string accordionatt = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id, 'tab-0')]").GetAttribute("aria-expanded");
            if (accordionatt == "false")
                if (Utilities.ElementExists(accordion))
                    IWebElement textDisplay = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id,'panel-0')]");
                    string display = textDisplay.GetAttribute("style");
                    return display;
                else { return null; }
            else { return null; }

        //This function will get the xpath for How Does it Work accordion
        //it comfirms it is open else return false.
        //then it click the accordion the return whether the accordion closed
        public static string CloseWorkAccordion()
            IWebElement accordion = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//a[contains(text(), 'How Does It Work?')]");
            string accordionatt = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id, 'tab-0')]").GetAttribute("aria-expanded");
            if (accordionatt == "true")
                if (Utilities.ElementExists(accordion))
                    IWebElement textdisplay = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id,'panel-0')]");
                    string display = textdisplay.GetAttribute("style");
                    return display;
                else {
                    return null; 
            else return null;

        //This function will get the xpath for What Can I Hope to Acquire accordion
        //it comfirms it is not open else return false.
        //then it click the accordion the return whether the accordion opened
        public static string OpenAcquireAccordion()
            IWebElement accordion = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id,'tab-1')]");
            string accordionatt = accordion.GetAttribute("aria-expanded");
            if (accordionatt == "false")
                if (Utilities.ElementExists(accordion))
                    IWebElement textdisplay = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id,'panel-1')]");
                    string display = textdisplay.GetAttribute("style");
                    return display;
                else { return null; }
            else return null;

        //This function will get the xpath for What Can I Hope to Acquire accordion
        //it comfirms it is open else return false.
        //then it click the accordion the return whether the accordion closed
        public static string CloseAcquireAccordion()
            IWebElement accordion = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id,'tab-1')]");
            Console.WriteLine("Text displayed in Accordion {0}", accordion.Text);


            string accordionatt = accordion.GetAttribute("aria-expanded");

            Console.WriteLine("Check for accordionatt aria-expanded " + accordionatt);

            if (accordionatt == "true")
                if (Utilities.ElementExists(accordion))
                    //if Accordion element is found on the page
                    IWebElement textdisplay = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//div[contains(@id,'panel-1')]");
                    string display = textdisplay.GetAttribute("style");
                    return display;
                    return null;
                return null;

        //This function will return true if the xpath given is found and not null
        //Then it will click the link for Learn More
        public static bool LearnMoreButton()
            IWebElement learnMoreButton = Utilities.FindIwebElement(xpath: "//span[contains(text(),'Learn More')]");
            if (Utilities.ElementExists(learnMoreButton))
                return true;
            else return false;



//span[contains(text(),'Learn More')]
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class TestingJava {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//1. Give me the count of links on the page.
		//2. Count of footer section-
		System.setProperty("", "C:\\work\\chromedriver.exe");
		WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
		WebElement footerdriver=driver.findElement("gf-BIG"));// Limiting webdriver scope
		WebElement coloumndriver=footerdriver.findElement(By.xpath("//table/tbody/tr/td[1]/ul"));
		//4- click on each link in the coloumn and check if the pages are opening-
		for(int i=1;i abc=driver.getWindowHandles();//4
		Iterator it=abc.iterator();