	fMatchCaseInsensitive = False
	Dim objMatches, objRegEx 	

	Do ' Single execution Do Loop

		' Enable Error handling
		On Error Resume Next

		' Reset values of RStart and RLength to default
		Environment ("RStart") = Empty
		Environment ("RLength") = Empty

		' Create a new regular expression object
		Set objRegEx = New RegExp
		' Set pattern.
		objRegEx.Pattern = strRegularExpression
		' Set case insensitivity: case sensitive 
		objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
		' Set global applicability: pattern should match only first occurrence of regexp in search string
		objRegEx.Global = False
		' The multiline flag specifies that potential matches may occur on either side of a newline (\n) character
		objRegEx.MultiLine = True

		' If regular expression occurs	
		If objRegEx.Test (strString) Then

			' If error occurred
			If fIsErr (Err, "Function fMatchCaseInsensitive") Then
				' Disable error handling
				On Error GoTo 0
				Exit Do
			End If ' If fIsErr (Err, "Function fMatchCaseInsensitive") Then

			' Execute search and create Matches collection contains individual Match objects
			Set objMatches = objRegEx.Execute (strString)

			' If error occurred
			If fIsErr (Err, "Function fMatchCaseInsensitive") Then
				' Disable error handling
				On Error GoTo 0
				Exit Do
			End If ' If fIsErr (Err, "Function fMatchCaseInsensitive") Then

			' Match is found
			fMatchCaseInsensitive = True 

			' Because function will match only the first occurrence of regexp it will be only one Match object in the Matches collection
			Environment ("RStart") = objMatches(0).FirstIndex + 1
			Environment ("RLength") = objMatches(0).Length			
		End If ' If objRegEx.Test (strString) Then

		' Disable Error handling
		On Error GoTo 0

	Loop Until True
	' Release all variables / objects
	Set objMatches = Nothing
	Set objRegEx = Nothing