sing NextGen.Mobile.UITests.Barcodes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Xamarin.UITest;
using Query = System.Func;

namespace NextGen.Mobile.UITests
    public abstract class BasePage
        private readonly List locations;
        public readonly IApp app;

        protected BasePage(IApp app)
            locations = new Locations().GetLocations();
   = app;

        public void ScanBarcode(string barcode)
            if (!app.Invoke("SendScan", barcode).ToString().Equals("true"))
                app.Invoke("SendScan", barcode);

        // Used to verify success of selection or barcode scan
        public bool VerifyScanOrSelection(string item)
            // app cannot see element if user cannot see it.

            var success = app.Query(x => x.Marked(item).All().Sibling().Marked("IsCompleted"))[0].Text;
            Debug.WriteLine("Item selected is successful??? " + success);
            return (success != null && success.Length > 0 && success.Equals("true"));

        public BasePage ScanPrePostItem(string itemName, string itemBarcode)
            WaitForElement(x => x.Marked(itemName), "Unable to locate preroute item from list.", 1000);
            return this;

        public BasePage ScrollToItem(string item)
            catch (Exception)
                catch (Exception) { }
            return this;

        protected string GetLocationBarcodeFor(string locationName)
            string locationBarcode = null;
            foreach (Location lc in locations)
                if (lc.LocationName.Equals(locationName))
                    locationBarcode = lc.LocationBarcode;
            return locationBarcode;

        protected IEnumerable GetSublocationsFor(string locationName)
                from lc in locations
                where lc.LocationName.Equals(locationName)
                select lc.SublocationBarcode;

        protected IEnumerable GetSublocationNameFor(string locationName)
                from lc in locations
                where lc.LocationName.Equals(locationName)
                select lc.SublocationName;

        protected IEnumerable GetSublocationTempFor(string locationName)
                from lc in locations
                where lc.LocationName.Equals(locationName)
                select lc.SublocationTemp;

        public BasePage Select(Query element, string timeoutMsg, int millisecondsBeforeTap = 5000)
            WaitForElement(element, timeoutMsg, millisecondsBeforeTap);
            return this;

        public BasePage WaitForElement(Query query, string timeoutMsg, int millisecondsBeforeTap = 5000)
            TimeSpan timeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 15); // timeout after 15 seconds of not finding anything
            TimeSpan retryFrequency = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500); // retry every half second
            TimeSpan postTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, millisecondsBeforeTap);
            app.WaitForElement(query, timeoutMsg, timeOut, retryFrequency, postTimeOut);

            return this;

        public BasePage WaitForNoElement(Query query, string msg, int millisecondsBeforeTap = 5000)
            TimeSpan timeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 15); // timeout after 15 seconds of not finding anything
            TimeSpan retryFrequency = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500); // retry every half second
            TimeSpan postTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, millisecondsBeforeTap);
            app.WaitForElement(query, msg, timeOut, retryFrequency, postTimeOut);

            return this;

        public bool IsOnPage(string pageTitle)
            return pageTitle.Equals(app.Query(x => x.Class("AppCompatTextView"))[0].Text);

        public bool IsSelectionPresentInField(string fieldName, string expectedText)
            return expectedText.Equals(app.Query(x => x.Marked(fieldName))[0].Text);

        public int GetNumberInString(string fieldName)
            string textFromField = app.Query(x => x.Marked(fieldName))[0].Text;

            string number = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < textFromField.Length; i++)
                if (Char.IsDigit(textFromField[i]))
                    number += textFromField[i];

            int results = int.Parse(number);

            return results;